






1. 具國內、外生物資訊相關專業背景之博士學位或教育部助理教授()以上證書者。

2. 申請職別之基本資格應符合本校《教師聘任及升等資格審定辦法》(如附件1),且需符合《醫學院專任教師新聘及升等計分標準》之必要條件【一、自然生物醫學科學類】(如附件2)

3. 能配合行政事務、系所評鑑並開設醫學院EMI計畫相關課程。


1. 申請教師請填寫「高雄醫學大學新聘專任教師甄選履歷表」一份(如附件3),並請黏貼照片(或影像檔)與簽名蓋私章。

2. 「送審(論文)目錄表」一份 (如附件4)

3. 「教師新聘計分自評表」和計分表個一份 (如附件5)

4. 計分明細表(如附件6)

5. 「最高學歷」及「相關經歷證件」影印本各一份。(學歷證件影本、教師證書影本、教師聘書影本或服務證明、國外學歷應檢附驗證證明等。)

6. 自傳、未來教學及研究計畫一份。

7. 「新聘教師未來教學研究發展計畫表」一份 (如附件7)

8. 「論文著作抽印本」一份。

9. 其他有利審查之資料。

★ 主論文(含代表著作)應為送審前五年內之著作 (10981日以後),參考論文應為七年內之著作 (10781日以後)

★ 以上資料請依序排列,除論文著作抽印本外,其他資料請勿裝訂(請用長尾夾固定)。








1. 80708高雄市三民區十全一路100

高雄醫學大學人力資源室 鄭小姐 收【提醒-請務必填答個資同意書

2. 信封上請註明【應徵醫學院臨床醫學研究所新聘教師+姓名】

3. 郵寄以外,請將所有檢附資料掃描成一份PDF電子檔寄送至臨床醫學研究所電子信箱:bunny@gap.kmu.edu.tw。請於e-mail主旨註明【應徵教職及姓名】。


臨床醫學研究所 林怡綸小姐


e-mailbunny@gap.kmu.edu.tw                                                 113-2人力規劃(1)

1.    Appointment unitThe School of Medicine, Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University (KMU), Taiwan

2.    Criteria of Applicants

(1)     Applicants must possess expertise in Bioinformatics or a closely related field, demonstrating advanced knowledge and skills pertinent to the discipline.

(2)     Applicants must hold a Ph.D. in Bioinformatics or a closely related field from a domestic or international institution or possess a Ministry of Education-certified Assistant Professor (or higher) certificate.

(3)     Applicants must meet the basic qualifications outlined in the KMU " Teacher Appointment and Promotion Qualification Measures" (Attachment 1) and fulfill the minimum requirements specified in the " Scoring Standards for New Appointment and Promotion of Full-time Teachers" (Attachment 2), under the category of Natural Biomedical Sciences.

(4)     Ability to support administrative duties, department evaluations, and offer courses aligned with the EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction) initiative at the School of Medicine.

3.    Position/VacanciesOne position available for a Contract or tenure-track assistant professor (or above).

4.    Date of HiringAugust 1st, 2025 (Subject to review progress)

5.    Detailed information

Applicants must submit the following:

1.     A completed "KMU Full-Time Faculty Recruitment CV Form" with a photo (or image file) and a signed personal seal (Attachment 3).

2.     A "List of Works for Review" (Attachment 4).

3.     A "Self-Evaluation Scoring Form for Newly Appointed Faculty" (Attachment 5).

4.     Copies of the highest degree and relevant certifications, such as diplomas, teacher certificates, appointment letters, or proof of employment. For international degrees, verified documentation is required.

5.     A personal statement, including a future teaching and research plan.

6.     A completed "Future Teaching and Research Development Plan Form for Newly Appointed Faculty" (Attachment 6).

7.     A reprint of representative works (e.g., theses or publications).

8.     Any additional materials that support the evaluation process.

Additional Notes:

·         Representative works must have been published within five years prior to submission (August 1, 2020, onwards). Reference works should have been published within seven years (August 1, 2018, onwards).

·         All materials must be submitted in the specified order. Aside from the reprints, other documents should not be bound; use a binder clip instead.

Application Deadline: March 31, 2025 (applications postmarked by this date will be considered; receipt by the Human Resources Office is required).

  • Late or incomplete applications will not be processed. Submitted documents will not be returned after the selection process.

Submission Address:
Miss Cheng, Human Resources Office
Kaohsiung Medical University
100, Shih-Chuan 1st Road, Sanmin District, Kaohsiung City 80708, Taiwan
Collection, notification and consent of personal data for applicants (The form of CNCP data is required)

Submission Requirements:

  • Indicate "Application for New Faculty Position, Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine + [Applicant's Name]" on the envelope.
  • In addition to mailing, all materials must be scanned into a single PDF file and emailed to: bunny@gap.kmu.edu.tw. Include "Faculty Application + [Applicant's Name]" in the email subject line.

Contact Person:
Ms. Lin Yi-Lun
Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine
Phone: +886 (7) 312-1101, ext. 2512-32
Email: bunny@gap.kmu.edu.tw






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