名額 |
1名 |
聘任職位 |
編制內助理教授(含)以上 |
專長領域 |
1.生物統計。 2.流行病學。 3.衛生行政與衛生政策。 4.健康促進與健康行為。 |
應徵資格 |
1.具國內、外大學公共衛生相關領域博士學位者(需具博士後研究經歷1年以上)或教育部助理教授(含)以上證書者。生物統計相關專長,具教育部核定國內或國外研究所之生物統計學或統計學博士學位為佳。 2.有國科會部計劃尤佳,具教學經驗、全英文授課能力。 3.申請職別之基本資格應符合本校《教師聘任及升等資格審定辦法》,且需符合本校《專任教師新聘及升等計分標準》之必要條件【一、自然生物醫學科學類-公共衛生學系】(如參考附件)。 |
檢具資料 |
1.「高雄醫學大學新聘教師甄選履歷表」一份(如附檔01),並請黏貼照片(或影像檔)與簽名蓋私章。 2.論文著作目錄表及論文抽印本(如附檔02)。 (1)主論文(含代表著作)應為送審前五年內之著作(109年8月1日以後),參考論文應為七年內之著作(107年8月1日以後)。 (2)論文條件請參閱:本校專任教師新聘及升等計分標準(如參考附件)。 3.主論文及參考論文之JCR資料庫Impact Factor (IF)值及排名之佐證資料(SCIE/SSCI/EI排名以論文發表前一年度為準。) 4.「教師新聘計分自評表」一份(如附檔03)。 【請填寫「共通及論文條件」、「研究部分」、「新聘教師總成績自評-研究積分」。】 5.「最高學歷」及「相關經歷證件」影印本各一份。 (學歷證件影本、教師證書影本、教師聘書影本或服務證明、國外學歷應檢附驗證證明等。) 6.未來教學研究發展計畫表(如附檔04)。 7.可開設課程之課程大綱與進度表(如附檔05)。 8.推薦信2封(請彌封)。 9.其他有利審查之資料。 ★以上資料請依序排列,除論文抽印本外,其他資料請勿裝訂。 ★相關表格亦可至本校人力資源室網頁下載。 |
預計起聘日期 |
114年8月1日(視審議進度而定) |
申請截止日期 |
114年3月31日(郵戳為憑)(以人力資源室收件為主) |
寄件資訊 |
80708高雄市三民區十全一路100號 高雄醫學大學人力資源室 鄭小姐 收 【提醒-請務必填答個資同意書】 信封上請註明【應徵健康科學院公共衛生學系新聘教師+姓名】 |
系所聯絡人 |
公共衛生學系 顏淑芬 小姐 電話:07-3121101轉 2141 E-mail:shfeye@kmu.edu.tw 113-2人力規劃(1) |
1. Appointment unit:Department of Public Health, College of Health Sciences, Kaohsiung Medical University (KMU), Taiwan
2. Position/Vacancies:Tenure-track assistant professor (or above) /One
3. Criteria of Applicants:
(1) Applicants should hold a Ph.D. degree in a field related to public health from a domestic or international university (with at least one year of postdoctoral research experience) or possess a certificate of Assistant Professor (or higher) issued by the Ministry of Education. Preference will be given to those specializing in biostatistics and holding a Ph.D. in biostatistics or statistics from a graduate program recognized by the Ministry of Education, either domestically or internationally.
(2) Specializations were listed, including biostatistics (concentrate on machine learning analysis technique); epidemiology; health administration and health policy; health promotion and health behavior.
(3) Candidates with teaching experience and the ability to conduct courses in English, having the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) projects are highly desirable.
(4) Demonstrate proficiency in teaching courses using English. It is especially preferred if you have projects from the National Science and Technology Council and have teaching experience.
(5) Applicant’s qualification must be in line with guideline set forth in the “Regulations for the Accreditation of Teachers' Appointment and Promotion Qualifications” of Kaosiung Medical University.
4. Application Deadline:March 31 st, 2025
【 The date on the official postal stamped mail will be considered as the receiving date. 】
5. Date of Hiring: August 1st, 2025 (Subject to review progress)
6. Detailed application administrative information:
Ø Ms. Cheng-Human Resources Office
No. 100, Shih-Chuan 1st Road, Sanmin District, Kaohsiung City 80708
Kaohsiung Medical University
Ø Please indicate on the envelope
【Applicants for new teachers in the Department of Public Health, School of Health Sciences + name】
Ø Applicants who meet the qualifications will be contacted for an interview. Please note that resumes will not be returned.
Ø Please scan all attached materials into PDF electronic files and send them to the email address of the organizer of the Department of Public Health: shfeye@kmu.edu.tw. Please indicate 【Apply for new teachers in the Department of Public Health + name】
Ø Contact:Miss Yen (顏淑芬小姐)TEL: 886-7-312-1101ext.2141
E-mail: shfeye@kmu.edu.tw