名額 Vacancies |
共2名 Two |
聘任職位/ 專長領域 Position/ Area of Expertise |
(1)編制內助理教授(含)以上1名/牙髓病暨牙體復形學領域。 One Tenure-track Assistant Professor (or above)/ In the fields of Endodontics, Operative Dentistry (2)編制內助理教授(含)以上1名/牙周病學領域。 One Tenure-track Assistant Professor (or above)/ In the fields of Periodontology |
應徵資格 Criteria of Applicants |
具國內外大學以上牙醫學系畢業具臨床經驗者且符合本校教師聘任及升等資格審定辦法之規定。 Graduates from dental schools, whether domestic or international, with clinical experience, and who meet the requirements specified in our university's Regulations for the Accreditation of Teachers' Appointment and Promotion Qualifications. |
檢具資料 Submit the required documents |
1. 本校新聘專任教師甄選履歷表乙份並請黏貼照片(附件一) 2. 論文著作目錄表乙份(附件二)及論文集乙冊 (1)主論文(含代表著作)應為109年8月1日以後發表(五年內),參考 論文應為107年8月1日以後發表(七年內)。 (2)論文條件請參閱:專任教師新聘及升等計分標準(附件三)。 3.教師新聘計分自評表乙份 (1)口腔醫學類助理教授級自評表(附件四) (2)口腔醫學類副教授級自評表(附件五) 4.論文計分明細表(格式如附件六) 5.學經歷證件影印本乙份 6.建議檢附最近三學年度資料:教學工作評估(含教學點數、訓練時數)、學會認證考官證明及OSCE教學紀錄。 7.推薦函兩封(請彌封) 8.新聘教師未來教學研究發展計畫表乙份(附件七) 9.已具教育部教師資格者請附證書影本 10.參考法規:口腔醫學院專任教師新聘及升等計分細則(附件八)、教師聘任及升等資格審定辦法(附件九)
1. Please complete one copy of the curriculum vitae for the selection of full-time faculty members at our university and attach a photo (Attachment 1) 2. Please submit one copy of the list of publications (Attachment 2) and one copy of the collected papers (1) The main thesis (including representative works) should be published after August 1st, 2020 (within five years), and the reference papers should be published after August 1st, 2018 (within seven years) (2) For the criteria related to publications, please refer to the Scoring Standards for the Appointment and Promotion of Full-time Teachers (Attachment 3) 3. Self-assessment Form for Faculty New Appointment Scoring, one copy (1) Self-assessment Form for Assistant Professor-level Positions in the Field of Oral Medicine (Attachment 4) (2) Self-assessment Form for Associate Professor-level Positions in the Field of Oral Medicine (Attachment 5) 4. Detailed Paper Scoring Sheet (in the format of Attachment 6) 5. One copy of photocopies of academic and career documents 6. It is recommended to provide data from the past three academic years, including teaching work evaluations (including teaching points and training hours), certification as an examiner by professional associations, and records of OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) teaching. 7. Two sealed recommendation letters 8. One copy of the Future Teaching and Research Development Plan for New Faculty Members (Attachment 7) 9. If you already have a teaching qualification from the Ministry of Education, please attach a photocopy of the certificate 10. Reference Regulations: Regulations for the Appointment and Promotion of Full-time Faculty Members in the College of Dentistry (Attachment 8), Regulations for the Qualification Review of Faculty Appointment and Promotion (Attachment 9) |
預計起聘日期 Date of Hiring |
114年8月01日(視審議進度而定) August 1st, 2025 (Subject to review progress) |
申請截止日期 Application Deadline |
114年2月17日(郵戳為憑)(以人力資源室收件為主) February 17th, 2025 ★The date on the official postal stamped mail will be considered as the receiving date. ★Applications must be mailed to the Human Resources Office of KMU. ★Overdue or incomplete application will not be accepted nor further processed. |
寄件資訊 Mail information |
1.80708高雄市三民區十全一路100號 高雄醫學大學人力資源室鄭小姐 收【請務必填答個資同意書】 信封上請註明【應徵口腔醫學院牙醫學系新聘教師(領域)+姓名】 2.收件截止後5日內,人力資源室將公告寄件者郵件編號,請應徵者於自行至人力資源室網站確認是否已送達人力資源室,如有疏漏請即刻來電洽詢。聯絡電話:(07)3121101轉2063 3.所有檢附資料請掃描為PDF電子檔寄送至學系電子信箱: yilin@kmu.edu.tw請於E-mail主旨註明應徵教職(領域)及姓名。 Miss Cheng(鄭小姐) 1.Human Resources Office, Kaohsiung Medical University, 100, Shih-Chuan 1st Road, 80708, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, R.O.C. Please write clearly on envelope 【The name of the applicant and the position of the application】 2.Please also scan all the attached materials in PDF file and send them to the School of Dentistry (yilin@kmu.edu.tw), please clearly state the name of theapplicants, and document as a newly hired teacher application. |
系所聯絡人 Contact |
牙醫學系 劉小姐 Miss Liu, School of Dentistry, Kaohsiung Medical University TEL:07-3121101 ext.2156#21 E-mail:yilin@kmu.edu.tw 113-2人力規劃(1) |
姓名 |
郵寄號碼 |
陳O惠 |
親送(牙周病學) |