名額 |
1名 |
聘任職位 |
專案或編制內助理教授(含)以上 |
專長領域 |
社會工作或社會福利相關 |
應徵資格 |
1. 已具社會工作或社會福利博士學位證書,若尚未取得學位證書者,請先提供學校開立「臨時學位證明」正本,其中明確註記取得「學位證書」之日期,惟屆生效日仍無法取得正式證書者,將予註銷。」 2. 專長領域為社會福利行政、方案設計與評估、科技與社會工作、環境變遷與永續發展相關議題等,具實務經驗、英文授課能力者尤佳。 3. 申請職別之基本資格應符合本校《教師聘任及升等資格審定辦法》(附件1),且需符合本校《專任教師新聘及升等計分標準》之必要條件【五、社會人文科學類:醫學社會學與社會工作學系】(附件2)。 |
檢具資料 |
1. 「高雄醫學大學新聘專任教師甄選履歷表」1 份(附件3),並請黏貼照片(或影像檔)與簽名蓋私章。 2. 依據甄選履歷表所列「學歷」及「經歷」,依序檢附證明文件影本各1份。(檢附學、碩、博士學歷證書、社工師證書、服務年資證明、已具教育部教師資格證書,以及其他相關經歷證明文件影本) 3. 「送審著作(論文)目錄表」一份(附件4)。 4. 「教師新聘計分自評表」一份(附件5),(請填寫「共通及論文條件」) 5. 推薦信兩封 6. 「論文著作抽印本」一份。 7. 可開課程(2-4門課)授課大綱。 ★主論文(含代表著作)應為送審前五年內之著作(109年8月1日以後),參考論文應為七年內之著作(107年8月1日以後)。 |
預計起聘日期 |
114年8月1日(視審議進度而定) |
申請截止日期 |
114年2月14日(郵戳為憑)(以人力資源室收件為主) ★面試方式:請候選人就其專長領域、教學、研究等進行簡報(包含:學經歷、教學單元示範及研究表現介紹),並接受委員提問。 ★逾期恕不受理;資料不齊恕不受理;甄選結束後資料恕不退還。 |
寄件資訊 |
80708高雄市三民區十全一路100號高雄醫學大學人力資源室 鄭小姐 收【提醒-請務必填答個資同意書】 信封上請註明【應徵人文社會科學院醫學社會學與社會工作學系新聘教師B+姓名】 除了郵寄以外,尚需將所有檢附資料掃描成一份PDF電子檔寄送至醫學社會學與社會工作學系電子信箱:ms@kmu.edu.tw。請於E-mail主旨註明【應徵人文社會科學院醫學社會學與社會工作學系新聘教師B+姓名】。 收件截止後5日內,人資室將公告寄件者郵件編號,請應徵者於自行至人資室網站確認資料是否已送達人資室,如有疏漏請即刻來電洽詢。聯絡電話:(07)312-1101轉2104、2063 |
系所聯絡人 |
醫學社會學與社會工作學系許玲睿小姐 電話:07-3121101分機2195再轉800 E-mail:ms@kmu.edu.tw 113-1人力規劃(2) |
Vacancies |
One |
Position |
Contract or Tenure-track Assistant Professor (or above) |
Area of Expertise |
Social Work or Social Welfare-related |
Criteria of Applicants |
1. Applicants must possess a Ph.D. certificate in Social Work or Social Welfare. If the degree certificate has not yet been obtained, please provide an original "Temporary Degree Certificate" issued by the school, clearly stating the date of obtaining the "Degree Certificate." If the official certificate cannot be obtained by the effective date, the application will be cancelled. 2. Expertise in areas such as Social Welfare Administration, Program Planning and Evaluation, Technology and Social Work,and issues related to Environmental Change and Sustainable Development is preferred, especially for those with practical experience and the ability to teach in English.
3. Basic qualifications for the applied position should meet the "Regulations for the Accreditation of Teachers' Appointment and Promotion Qualifications " of our university (Attachment 1), and must comply with the necessary conditions in the "Scoring Standards for the Appointment and Promotion of Full-time Teachers" of our university under the category of "Social Sciences and Humanities - Department of Medical Sociology and Social Work " (Attachment 2) |
Attachments |
1. Complete one copy of the 'Kaohsiung Medical University New Faculty Recruitment Resume Form' (Attachment 3), paste the personal photo (or image file) and affix a personal signed seal. 2. Resume (with autobiography, personal picture, photocopies of documents of education certificates, specialty and field etc.) 3. One copy of the 'Submitted Works (Thesis) Catalog' (Attachment 4). 4. One copy of the 'Teacher New Appointment Scoring Self-Assessment Form' (Attachment 5). [Please complete the 'Common and Thesis Conditions'] 5. Two 'Recommendation Letters. 6. One copy of the 'Thesis Work Extract.' 7. Outlines for 2-4 courses you are qualified to teach. ★The main thesis (including representative works) should be a publication within five years before the submission date (after August 1, 2020), and the reference thesis should be a publication within seven years (after August 1, 2018). Applicants are required to fill out the Personal Information Collection Notice and Consent Form. |
Date of Hiring |
August 1st ,2025 (subject to review progress) |
Application Deadline |
February 14th, 2025 ★ The date on the official postal stamped mail will be considered as the receiving date. ★ Interview Method: Candidates are requested to present their areas of expertise, teaching experience, research, etc. This presentation should include a demonstration of teaching units, academic and professional background, as well as an introduction to their research achievements. Candidates will also be subject to questioning by the committee. ★ Overdue or incomplete materials will not be accepted ; incomplete applications will not be processed; application materials will not be returned after the selection process. |
Address |
1. Miss Cheng(K.M.U Human Resources Office) Human Resources Office, Kaohsiung Medical University, 100, Shih-Chuan 1st Road, , Kaohsiung City 80708, Taiwan, R.O.C. 2.. Please write clearly on envelope “Application for the New Faculty Position in the Department of Medical Sociology and Social Work, College of Humanities and Social Sciences - B + Applicant's Name” 3. In addition to mailing hard copies, please scan all the attached documents into a PDF file and send them to: ms@kmu.edu.tw, Please indicate “Application for the New Faculty Position in the Department of Medical Sociology and Social Work, College of Humanities and Social Sciences - B + Applicant's Name”. |
Contact |
Ms. Hsu, Department of Medical Sociology and Social Work. TEL:+886-7-3121101 ext. 2195, then press 800 Email:ms@kmu.edu.tw |
姓名 |
郵寄號碼 |
王O祥 |
親送 |
邱O瑜 |
930846快捷 |