名額 |
1名 |
聘任職位 |
助理教授級之英語專案教學契約人員 |
專長領域 |
英語教學 |
應徵資格 |
1.取得英語教學、英美文學、語言學或人文社會學相關領域之國內外大學博士學位或其同等學歷證書者。 2.具助理教授部證、大學全英語教學經驗者。(母語為英語之外籍師資) 3.申請職別之基本資格應符合本校《教師聘任及升等資格審定辦法》(附件1),且需符合本校《專任教師新聘及升等計分標準》之必要條件【五、通識教育類-語言與文化中心】(附件2)。 |
工作內容 |
擔任醫學院EMI Mentor並協助相關工作、教授英語課程、協助行政工作與執行相關教學計畫等。 |
檢具資料 |
1.請填寫: (1)「教師資格審查履歷表」一份,並簽名蓋私章,表格請至本案附件3下載。 2.請檢附: (1)最高學歷及經歷證件影印本。(學歷證件、教師證書影本、教師聘書影本或服務證明等。如為國外學歷,應檢附驗證證明。) (2)自傳。 (3)推薦信1-2封(請彌封)。 |
起聘學年度 |
擬訂於114學年度第1學期114年8月1日起聘,但仍需視審議進度而定。 |
申請截止日期 |
民國113年11月20日(以郵戳為憑)(以人資室收件為主) |
寄件地址 |
1. 意者請備妥相關資料,掛號寄至「80708高雄市三民區十全一路100號高雄醫學大學人資室鄭小姐收」。【提醒-請務必填答個資同意書】 2. 合則通知面試,恕不退件。 3. 除了郵寄外,尚需將所有檢附資料掃描成一份PDF電子 檔寄至語言與文化中心電子信箱: pinhsinwu@kmu.edu.tw。請於E-mail主旨註明【應徵 教職及姓名】 4. 信封上請註明【應徵語言與文化中心專案教學契約人員(EMI Mentor)、姓名及聯絡電話】 5. 收件截止後5日內,人資室將公告寄件者郵件編號,請應 徵者自行至人資室網站確認資料是否已送達人資室,如有 遺漏請即刻來電洽詢,電話:07-312-1101#2104、2063。 6. 應徵資料如需取回,請附足郵資由本中心寄回,或請於接獲 通知後十日內至本中心取回,逾期恕不負保管責任。 |
聯絡人 |
語言與文化中心吳小姐 電話:(07)312-1101分機2116轉304 EMAIL:pinhsinwu@kmu.edu.tw 111-3人力規劃(2-8) |
Job Vacancy
1 English Teaching Position : Project Assistant Professor
The Center for language and culture of Kaohsiung Medical University invites applications for one position in EFL teaching. We are looking for applicants with a specialization in English (Education, Linguistics, Cultural studies, Literature; English native speaker, Humanities related field) to support the English teaching and curriculum planning. The teaching obligations will serve as an EMI Mentor in the College of Medicine and assist within the field of General EFL, English for Specific Purposes as well as some general courses in literature and culture.
Qualified candidates will be offered position upon the completion of the recruitment process.
Applicants should have a doctoral degree an assistant professor certificate from the Ministry of Education and with university teaching experience and meet university faculty qualification measures. Foreign teacher with a university EFL certificate and university teaching experience is preferable and favorable.
A complete application should include the following
1. Application Form for Teaching Position (attached)
2. A CV, including details of teaching and administrative experience
3. Lists of awards and other achievements
4. Details of course taught, if available
5. Names and addresses (including emails) of one to two recommendation letters
6. A copy of the application, completed in all five categories (as listed above) should be sent by mail to the following address by November 20,2024 and email the application PDF file to pinhsinwu@kmu.edu.tw
7. Within 5 days after the deadline, the Human Resources Office will announce the candidate's mail number. Candidates should check the Human Resources Office website to confirm whether the application has been delivered to the Human Resources Office. If there is any question, please call Human Resources Office. Tel: 07-312 -1101 # 2104, 2063
8. All the application documents will be kept for reference. If the application needs to be returned to the sender, please have sufficient postage enclosed and it will be sent by mail accordingly.
Mailing address:
Ms. Cheng
Human Resources Office
Kaohsiung Medical University
100 Shichuan 1st Road
Kaohsiung 807
Please indicate “Assistant Professor English Teaching Position(EMI Mentor)” on the envelope with applicant’s name and phone number.
姓名 |
郵寄號碼 |
卓O慧 |
親送 |
常O楓 |
906257普掛 |