Please submit your applications for outside university part-time employment in the fall semester of the Academic Year 2024-25 by Friday, July 19, 2024, and kindly take note of the following details:


1.      In accordance with Article 34 of the " Act Governing the Appointment of Educators " and Article 5 of our university's "Teacher Appointment Regulations," full-time faculty members are required to seek approval before undertaking duties and teaching assignments outside the institution.


2.      Full-time faculty members who wish to apply for part-time positions outside of the university must ensure that it does not affect their primary responsibilities at the university. Applicants must meet the requirements outlined in the "Provisions for Handling Positions outside of the University for Full-Time Faculty Members," including the basic on-campus teaching hours and job requirements.


3.      Faculty members who intend to apply for part-time positions outside of the university should complete the application process through the university's Faculty and Staff Information System, specifically under the section T.E.02/ print out the "Application for Part-time Position outside of the University of Full-time Teachers”, which following approval by the Department (or Institute, Center, Program), Dean (Director of General Education Center), Academic Affairs Director,  will be submitted to the Human Resources Office for processing. 

4.      For further details and regulations, please refer to our university's "Regulations on Part-Time Positions outside of the University for Full-Time Faculty Members"