



每月薪資Monthly salary
(本俸+學術研究費+伙食費 500 )(basic pay+ academic research allowance+meal allowance NT$500)

Professor: NT$104,710~122,050
Associate professor: NT$84,420~104,060
Assistant professor: NT$74,140~94,490
Lecturer: NT$60,980~84,190

According to KMU's Regulations on the Remuneration Criteria for Faculty and Staff(教職員工敘薪辦法) and Regulations on Faculty and Staff's Salaries and Allowances(教職員工待遇支給要點), the monthly disbursement of salaries, academic research allowances, and meal allowances is provided in accordance with the relevant guidelines.


年終獎金Year-end bonus

1. (basic pay+academic research allowance)*1.5 months
2. For those holding additional supervisory positions, the supervisory allowance is issued based on the proportion of actual months served in that role for the current year.

The university follows the instructions for the annual distribution of year-end performance bonuses for military and civil servants, as announced by the Executive Yuan.


延攬國外傑出人才獎助金Outstanding Foreign Talent Recruitment Award

Former (current) distinguished professor and chair professor: NT$80,000 per month
Former (current) professor: NT$60,000 per month
Former (current) associate professor: NT$40,000 per month
Former (current) assistant professor: NT$20,000 per month

1. Processed in accordance with KMU's Regulations for the Recruitment of Outstanding Foreign Talent(延攬國外傑出人才獎助辦法).
2. Eligible recipients are individuals who previously held full-time faculty positions at foreign public or private universities or renowned academic research institutions.
3. The award is granted with a limit of not exceeding three years and the option to reapply upon completion.


青年講座學者獎助金Junior Chair Scholar Award

NT$30,000 per month

1. Implemented according to KMU's Junior Chair Scholar Establishment Regulations(青年講座學者(Junior Chair Scholar)設置辦法).
2. Eligible recipients are full-time faculty under the age of 45 who meet one of the following qualifications:
(1) Previous recipients of the Wu Ta-you Memorial Award from the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Young Scholar Award from the Academia Sinica, or equivalent prestigious awards both domestically and internationally (such as the Taiwan Women in Science Award, Young Scholar Innovation Award, Tien Te Lee Young Medical Science and Technology Award, etc.).
(2) Individuals with exceptional talent demonstrating international competitiveness or leadership potential.
3. Each individual is eligible for a maximum of three consecutive years of funding.


研究論文獎勵金Research Paper Incentive Pay

Maximum of NT$500,000 per person per academic year

Implemented according to KMU's Directives Governing Incentives for Faculty Research Papers (教師研究論文獎勵要點).


專題研究計畫獎勵金Special Research Project Incentive Pay

Maximum of NT$500,000 per person per year

Implemented according to KMU's  Regulations Governing Incentives for Special Research Projects(題研究計畫獎勵辦法).


教學優良與教學傑出教師獎勵金Outstanding and Exceptional Teacher Incentive Pay

NT$60,000~150,000 per person per year

Implemented according to KMU's  Regulations Governing Selection and Incentives for Outstanding and Exceptional Teachers (教學優良與教學傑出教師遴選獎勵辦法).


獎勵新聘特殊優秀人才彈性薪資Flexible Wage for Newly Hired Special Outstanding Talents

The flexible wages are categorized into three levels:

First Level: Monthly incentive pay of 3 base amounts.

Second Level: Monthly incentive pay of 2 base amounts.

Third Level: Monthly incentive pay of 1 base amount.

1. Implemented according to KMU's  Regulations Governing Flexible Wages and Incentive Subsidies for Recruiting and Retaining Special Outstanding Talents(延攬及留住特殊優秀人才彈性薪資暨獎勵補助支給辦法).
2. Each disbursement is valid for one year.
3. For outstanding talents recruited from abroad, monthly incentive pay is granted at three times the base amount corresponding to their award level.
4. Adjustments to flexible wages are made based on the financial status of the annual subsidy budget.


特聘教授獎助金 Distinguished Professor Award

NT$40,000 per month

Distinguished professor appointments are processed according to KMU's Distinguished Professor Establishment Regulations(特聘教授設置辦法), with a standard appointment period of three years.


講座教授研究費Chair Professor Research Allowance

NT$50,000~220,000 per month

Chair Professor appointments are processed according to KMU's Chair Professor Establishment Regulations (講座設置辦法), with a standard appointment period of three years.