計畫人員識別證申請表 ( Employee ID Card Application )



This application is mainly applicable to full-time research assistants. Part-time assistants and temporary workers may submit applications only through approved official documents.


Only in-service research assistants who have obtained approval from pertinent Principal Investigators in advance are eligible for employee ID cards


No application could be made prior to completing all process of reporting for duty.


申請原因說明Information for application reason


For initial application, please check the initial issuebox. Its free of charge, but a recent 1or 2-inch bust and hatless photo must be uploaded.


For returning assistantnon-initial application, please check the used card reissuebox. 

ø(遺失、卡片損毀、卡片掉色、改名字等等)申請換發者,請勾選換發先需至勵學大樓1F自動繳費機完成繳費,費用250元,並上傳繳費證明(換發並要更換照片者,請同時上傳證件照) (換發期間舊卡將註銷)

In case a new card is needed because of card loss, damage, color fading, or name change, etc., please check the renewed issuebox. But a charge of NT$250 must be paid via Automatic Pay Station on the 1st floor of Li-Hsueh Building, first, and the proof of payment must be uploaded as well. The old one will be nullified simultaneously. Photo on card could be changed if new photo is uploaded accordingly.


上傳檔案說明Information for photo upload


Please use your ID card No. (with the first English letter capitalized) as the file name of the photo to be uploaded.


Please use your employee no. andpayment proofas the file name of the payment proof to be uploaded.

領卡說明Information for card pick-up


A new card will be ready for pick up within three business days.  Please wait for notice by email.

ø門禁出入設定請參考資訊系統/最新消息/公告 [重要]校園IC卡問題。(若繳費重製需重新設定門禁)

For access control setting, please refer to information announced on KMU Information System (only in Mandarin).


Should you have any question, please contact Ms. Mchsieh at extension 2104.
