名額 |
1名 |
聘任職位 |
專案或編制內助理教授(含)以上 |
專長領域 |
職能治療 |
應徵資格 |
1. 具國內、外大學職能治療相關領域博士學位者且符合本校專任教師聘任及升等資格審定辦法之規定。 2. 須具英文授課能力。 3. 以生理領域職能治療專長為優先考量。 |
檢具資料 |
1. 本校新聘專任教師甄選履歷表(附件1)。 2. 送審著作(論文)目錄表(附件2)。【論文集乙冊及發表前一年SCIE/SSCI/EI的證明】 3. 教師新聘計分自評表1 份(附件3)。【請填寫自評表內之「共通及論文條件」與「研究部分」,本校專任教師新聘及升等計分標準及健康科學院專任教師新聘及升等計分細則法規,(如附件4、5)】。 4. 最高學歷及相關經歷證件影印本各1份。 5. 自傳、目前研究方向及計畫書1份。 6. 新聘教師未來教學研究發展計畫表1份(附件6)。 7. 推薦信兩份(請彌封)。 8. 其他有利審查之資料。 以上資料請依序排列,除論文集外,其他資料請勿裝訂(請用長尾夾固定) 所有檢附資料請掃描為PDF電子檔寄送至學系電子信箱:hsinyun@kmu.edu.tw請於E-mail主旨註明應徵教職及姓名。 |
預計起聘日期 |
115年2月1日(視審議進度而定) |
申請截止日期 |
114年4月7日(郵戳為憑)(以人力資源室收件為主) |
寄件資訊 |
Ø 807高雄市三民區十全一路100號 高雄醫學大學人力資源室 鄭小姐 收【提醒-請務必填答個資同意書】 Ø 信封上請註明【應徵健康科學院職能治療學系新聘教師+姓名】 |
系所聯絡人 |
職能治療學系 李欣芸 小姐 電話:07-3121101轉2119 E-mail:hsinyun@kmu.edu.tw 113-2教學人力(1) |
1. Appointment unit:
Department of Occupational Therapy, College of Health Sciences, Kaohsiung Medical University (KMU), Taiwan
2. Criteria of Applicants:
(1) Hold a Ph.D. degree in Occupational Therapy from a domestic or international university and fulfill KMU’s Regulations for the Accreditation of Teachers' Appointment and Promotion Qualifications.
(2) Be proficient in English for teaching purposes (EMI).
(3) Priority will be given to applicants with expertise in the physical occupational therapy field
3. Position/Vacancies:
We invite applications for one position as a contract or tenure-track assistant professor (or above), specializing in occupational therapy.
4. Date of Hiring:
The appointment is expected to commence on February 1st, 2026, (subject to review progress)
5. Application Deadline
April 7th, 2025 (based on postmark date). Incomplete applications will not be processed. Submitted materials will not be returned.
6. Required Documents
Please submit the following documents in PDF format via email to: hsinyun@kmu.edu.tw. Ensure all documents are well-organized and secured with binder clips (no stapling).
1. KMU Faculty Application Form (Attachment 1).
2. List of Academic Works (Attachment 2). 【One conference proceedings book and proof of SCIE/SSCI/EI publication within the year prior to presentation.】
3. Self-Assessment Form for Faculty Appointment (Attachment 3). Refer to KMU’s faculty appointment and promotion guidelines (Attachments 4 and 5).
4. Copies of the highest academic degree and relevant certificates.
5. A personal statement, current research direction and research proposal.
6. Future teaching and research development plan (Attachment 6).
7. Two sealed recommendation letters.
8. Other supporting materials beneficial to the review process.
7. Submission Information
◆ Mailing Address:
Ms. Cheng
Human Resources Office
Kaohsiung Medical University
100 Shiquan 1st Road, Sanmin District, Kaohsiung City 807, Taiwan
(Please mark the envelope with "Application for Faculty Position + Applicant’s Name.")
◆ Email: hsinyun@kmu.edu.tw
◆ Phone: +886-7-3121101 ext. 2119 (Ms. Lee)
◆ Department Website: https://ot.kmu.edu.tw