






1.         醫學檢驗生物技術、生命科學或醫學相關系所 博士

2.         具幹細胞、細胞治療生物技術學專長或精準醫學檢驗與生資分析專長

3.         能配合系所發展,教授細胞治療技術與臨床試驗(2學分共同授課)、實驗室開發檢測與精準醫療(2學分共同授課)、多體學與生資分析(2學分)、微生物基因體學(2學分)微生物學(3學分共同授課)及其他

4.         能以全英文授課

5.         國外研究經驗、具國際研究合作經驗為佳,能持續與國際鏈結

6.         具醫檢師執照為佳


1.         個人履歷表【附件1

2.         自傳(簡述個人之教學、研究、產學及服務成就表現,中英文共A46頁)

3.         學經歷證件影本(持外國學歷者,畢業證書需經駐外單位驗證)

4.         送審著作(論文)目錄表【附件2

5.         H-index證明

6.         所有著作(論文)之影本及前一年度影響係數證明、代表著作摘要之中文版

7.         課程及內容大綱【附件3

8.         推薦函三封

9.         其他有利審查之佐證資料







Ø  807378高雄市三民區十全一路100

高雄醫學大學人力資源室 鄭小姐 收【提醒-請務必填答個資同意書

Ø  信封上請註明【應徵健康科學院學院醫學檢驗生物技術學系新聘教師+姓名】

Ø 除了郵寄紙本以外,尚需將所有檢具資料依序掃描成一份PDF電子檔寄送至醫學檢驗生物技術學系電子信箱:kuokuo@gap.kmu.edu.tw。請於E-mail主旨註明【應徵教職及姓名】。


醫學檢驗生物技術學系 郭小姐


E-mailkuokuo@gap.kmu.edu.tw                       113-1教學人力(4)

1. Appointment unitDepartment of Medical Laboratory Science and Biotechnology, College ofHealth Sciences, Kaohsiung Medical University (KMU), Taiwan

2. Criteria of Applicants

(1)Ph.D. in Medical Laboratory Science and Biotechnology, Life Science or Medical Biotechnology related fields.

(2)Specialization in stem cell and cellular therapy biotechnology, precision medicine, or bioinformatics analysis.

(3) Ability to align with departmental development and teach courses such as

● Cell Therapy Techniques and Clinical Trials (2 credits, co-teaching)

● Laboratory Test Development and Precision Medicine (2 credits, co-teaching)

● Multi-omics and Bioinformatics Analysis (2 credits)

● Microbial Genomics (2 credits)

● Microbiology (3 credits, co-teaching) and other related subjects.

(4) Capability to teach courses entirely in English.

(5) Preferable to have overseas research experience and international research collaboration experience, with the ability to maintain global academic connections.

(6) Possession of a medical technologist license is preferred.

3. Position/VacanciesContract or tenure-track assistant professor (or above)/one

4. Date of Hiring August 1st, 2025 (Subject to review progress)

5. Application DeadlineMar 25th, 2025

6. Required Documents:

(1)   curriculum vitae [Attachment 1]

(2)   Autobiography (A brief summary of personal achievements in teaching, research, industry-academia collaboration, and service, in both Chinese and English, up to 6 pages on A4 paper)

(3)   A photocopy of education and work experience diploma (any foreign diploma should be verified in advance by the overseas office, Republic of China (Taiwan)

(4)   Publication list [Attachment 2]

(5)   Proof of H-index

(6)  Copies of all publications (papers), proof of the impact factor from the previous year, and a Chinese abstract of the representative work

(7)    A statement of teaching interests with course outlines, previous teaching portfolio/outlines and a teaching statement

(8)   Three letters of recommendation

(9)   Other supporting documents: i.e. Honors, Medical Technologist license (optional)

7. Collection, notification and consent of personal data for applicants (The form of CNCP data is required)

8. Mailing Information:

Miss Cheng(鄭小姐)

Human Resources Office, Kaohsiung Medical University, 100, Shih-Chuan 1st Road, 807378, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, R.O.C.

Please write clearly on envelope The name of the applicant and the position of the application

Please also scan all the attached materials in PDF file and send to the Department of Medical Laboratory Science and Biotechnology (kuokuo@gap.kmu.edu.tw), please clearly state the name of the applicants, and document as a newly hired teacher application.

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