名額 |
1名 |
聘任職位 |
編制內助理教授(含)以上 |
專長領域 |
毒理學相關領域 |
應徵資格 |
1. 具國內、外大學毒理或生物資訊相關領域之博士學位 2. 具相關領域博士後研究(1年)或於英語國家之研究/執業經驗(1年),或國內臨床/業界實務經驗1年(可全英授課者優先考量) 3. 符合申請職別之本校《教師聘任及升等資格審定辦法》,且需符合本校《專任教師新聘及升等計分標準》之必要條件【自然生物醫學科學類】 (參考附件)。 |
檢具資料 |
所有檢附資料請掃描為PDF電子檔並依順序整合成一份寄送至毒理學碩士學位學程電子信箱: slchen @kmu.edu.tw。請於E-mail主旨註明應徵教職、領域及姓名。 |
預計起聘日期 |
114年8月1日(視審議進度而定) |
申請截止日期 |
114年3月31日(郵戳為憑)(以人力資源室收件為主) |
寄件資訊 |
Ø 80708高雄市三民區十全一路100號 高雄醫學大學人力資源室 鄭小姐 收【提醒-請務必填答個資同意書】 Ø 信封上請註明【應徵藥學院毒理學碩士學位學程新聘教師+姓名】 |
系所聯絡人 |
藥學院天然藥物研究所技士 陳淑莉小姐 電話:07-3121101轉2685 E-mail:slchen@kmu.edu.tw 113-2人力規劃(1) |
Vacancies |
One |
Position |
Tenure-track Assistant Professor (or above) |
Area of Expertise |
Toxicology Related Fields |
Criteria of Applicants |
1. Ph.D. in the fields related to Toxicology or Bioinformatics. 2. One-year postdoctoral research experiences in related research fields, one-year work/research experiences in English-speaking countries, or 1-year industry/clinical experience. (Candidates with English teaching competence are preferred.) 3. Meet the basic qualifications for the position: Please refer to “Teacher Appointment and Promotion Qualification Measures” and “Scoring Standards for New Appointment and Promotion of Full-time Teachers” in the attachment. |
Attachments |
Printed binding: 1 volume of published paper collection: 1. The table of contents for the reviewed paper (doc.1) 2. Reprints of papers. (1) Major publications within 5 years (after Aug. 1st, 2020). (2) Reference publications within 7 years (after Aug.1st, 2018). 3. Detailed Scoring Sheet for the papers/thesis (doc.2) 4. JCR (Impact Factor, IF) and ranking (IF of SCIE/SSCI/EI) supporting material. Ranking is based on the year before the publication of the paper Printed binding: 1 volume for other supplement materials: 1. Resume (with autobiography, personal picture, photocopies of documents of education certificates, specialty and field etc.) (doc.3) 2. A copy of the Ph.D. diploma, and copies of the certificates of postdoctoral fellowship or relevant employment. 3. Self-Assessment Form for Newly Hired Faculty (link) 4. Newly Hired Faculty Scoring Sheet (please provide a separate Word file) (link) 5. Two letters of recommendation (sealed or sent directly from referee via email: including one letter from the advising professor or current employer). 6. Research and teaching plans. (doc.4) 7. (Those who already possess the Ministry of Education teaching qualification, please attach a copy of the certificate.) Please scan all the attached materials into an electronic PDF file and send them to the Master Degree Program in Toxicology (slchen@kmu.edu.tw). Printed materials send to Human Resources Office, Kaohsiung Medical University. |
Date of Hiring |
August 1st, 2025 (Subject to review progress) |
Application Deadline |
March 31 st, 2025 ★The date on the official postal stamped mail will be considered as the receiving date. ★Applications must be mailed to the Human Resources Office of KMU. ★Overdue or incomplete application will not be accepted nor further processed. |
Address |
Miss Cheng , Human Resources Office, Kaohsiung Medical University, 100, Shih-Chuan 1st Road, 80708, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, R.O.C. Please write clearly on the envelope 【Application for Position in Master Degree Program in Toxicology+ The name of the applicant】 |
Contact |
Miss Chen, Shu Li The Master Degree Program in Toxicology, College of Pharmacy, Kaohsiung Medical University TEL:+886-7-3121101 ext.2685 |