名額 |
1名 |
聘任職位 |
編制內助理教授(含)以上 |
專長領域 |
內外科護理學(兼具中醫護理)領域 |
應徵 資格 |
(一) 具護理相關博士學位資格者 (需具中華民國國籍者)。 (二) 具護理師執照。 (三) 符合臨床實習指導資格: 具護理碩士或博士學位,並具至少2年以上醫院臨床經驗,或 具護理學士學位,並具至少3年以上臨床經驗。 (四) 具教育部助理教授證書。 (五) 五年內曾主持一件政府部門之計畫案件。 (六) 申請職別之基本資格應符合本校《教師聘任及升等資格審定辦法》,且需符合本校《專任教師新聘及升等計分標準》之必要條件【三、護理科學類-護理學系】。 |
檢具 資料 |
(一)「高雄醫學大學新聘專任教師甄選履歷表」1 份 (附件1),並請黏貼照片(或影像檔)與簽名蓋私章。 (二)依據甄選履歷表所列「學歷」及「經歷」,依序檢附證明文件影本各1份。 【檢附學、碩、博士學歷證書、護理師證書、服務年資證明、已具教育部教師資格證書,以及其他相關經歷證明文件影本】 (三)自傳及未來教學及研究計畫一份。 (1) 自傳內請說明臨床經驗之科別 (2)「新聘教師未來教學研究發展計畫表」1 份 (附件2) (3) 其他有利審查之資料 (四) 「教師新聘自評表」1 份。 【請依申請職別填寫自評表內之「共通及論文條件」與「研究部分」,檢附助理教授職級(附件3)】 (五)「送審著作(論文)目錄表」1 份及論文資料 (附件4)。 【請檢附H-index,及依據目錄表所列之論文排序,於每篇論文前檢附該論文發表前一年SCI/SSCIE的證明】 【以起資生效日 114.08.01 為例,代表著作與主論文:應為取得前⼀等級教師資格後且為五年內109.08.01~114.07.31之第一或通訊作者的著作】 【以起資生效日 114.08.01 為例,參考著作(論文):應為取得前⼀等級教師資格後且為七年內(107.08.01~114.07.31)之著作】 ★以上資料請依(一)、(二)、(三)、(四)、(五)及論文之順序排列裝訂郵寄紙本1份,且所有檢附資料掃描成一份PDF電子檔。 ★相關文件請至本校人力資源室職缺公告網頁下載。 |
預計起聘日期 |
114年8月1日(視審議進度而定) |
申請截止日期 |
114年1月11日(郵戳為憑)★逾期不受理;履歷資料不退還。 |
寄件地址 |
(80708)高雄市三民區十全一路100號 高雄醫學大學人力資源室 鄭小姐 收。【提醒-請務必填答個資同意書】 1. 信封上請註明【應徵護理學系(內外科護理學(兼具中醫護理))、職級、姓名及聯絡電話】。 2. 除了郵寄以外,尚需將所有檢附資料掃描成一份PDF電子檔E-mai至護理學系電子信箱:ponyyen@kmu.edu.tw。主旨註明【姓名-應徵護理學系(內外科護理學(兼具中醫護理))職級】。 3. 收件截止後5日內,本校人力資源室將公告寄件者郵件編號,請應徵者自行至本校人力資源室網站確認資料是否已送達人力資源室,如有疏漏請即刻來電洽詢。聯絡電話:(07)312-1101分機2063、2104。 |
聯絡人 |
護理學系 顏焰貞 組員 電話:(07)312-1101分機2167 E-mail:ponyyen@kmu.edu.tw |
Vacancies |
One |
Position |
Tenure-track Assistant Professor (or above) |
Area of Expertise |
Specialize in Medical-Surgical Nursing (with expertise in Traditional Chinese Medicine Nursing). |
Criteria of Applicants |
1. Hold a doctoral degree in a nursing-related field (applicants must hold ROC nationality). 2. Possess a registered nurse (RN) license. 3. Meet the qualifications for clinical practicum supervision: l Hold a master’s or doctoral degree in nursing with at least two years of clinical experience in a hospital setting, or l Hold a bachelor’s degree in nursing with at least three years of clinical experience. 4. Hold a Ministry of Education (MOE) Assistant Professor certificate. 5. Have served as the principal investigator of at least one government-funded project within the past five years. 6. The basic qualifications for the applied position must meet the university’s “Regulations for the Accreditation of Teachers' Appointment and Promotion Qualifications” and satisfy the necessary requirements outlined in the university’s “Scoring Standards for the Appointment and Promotion of Full-time Teachers” [Section III: Nursing Science - School of Nursing] |
Attached documents |
1. One copy of the “Kaohsiung Medical University Full-time Faculty Recruitment Resume” (Attachment 1): Ø Please attach a photo (or image file) and include your signature/seal. 2. Supporting documents corresponding to the "Education" and "Experience" sections listed in the resume: Ø Attach copies of the following: l Bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degree certificates l Registered nurse license l Proof of years of service l Ministry of Education (MOE) teaching qualification certificate l Other relevant experience certifications 3. One copy of an autobiography and future teaching and research plans: Ø The autobiography should specify the clinical department(s) in which you have experience. Ø Attach one copy of the “Future Teaching and Research Development Plan for Newly Appointed Faculty” (Attachment 2). Ø Include other supporting materials beneficial for the review process. 4. One copy of the “Self-Evaluation Form for Faculty Appointment”: Ø Complete the sections on "General and Publication Requirements" and "Research Criteria" based on the applied rank (Attachment 3 for Assistant Professor level). 5. One copy of the “Submitted Publications (Papers) List” and related materials (Attachment 4): Ø Provide your H-index. Ø Arrange the papers in the order listed in the publication list, and include proof of the SCI/SSCI journal rankings for the year preceding each paper’s publication. Ø For primary and representative publications: These must be authored as the first or corresponding author and published within five years after obtaining the previous faculty rank. (For example, with an effective appointment date of August 1, 2025, the publication period would be August 1, 2020, to July 31, 2025.) Ø For supporting publications: These should be published within seven years after obtaining the previous faculty rank. (For example, with an effective appointment date of August 1, 2025, the publication period would be August 1, 2018, to July 31, 2025.) Submission Instructions l Arrange the documents in order: 1、2、3、4、5, and publications. Submit one hard copy by postal mail and one scanned PDF copy of all documents combined into a single file. l Relevant forms can be downloaded from the university's Human Resources Office job postings webpage. l Ensure to complete and include the “Personal Data Collection Notification and Consent Form.” |
Date of Hiring |
August 1st, 2025 (subject to the progress of the review process) |
Application due date |
January 11th, 2025 (based on postmark date) |
Address |
(80708) No. 100, Shih-Chuan 1st Road, Sanmin District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan Recipient: Ms. Cheng, Human Resources Office, Kaohsiung Medical University [Reminder: Please ensure the Personal Data Consent Form is completed.] 1. On the envelope, please indicate: [Application for the School of Nursing (Medical-Surgical Nursing with expertise in Traditional Chinese Medicine Nursing), rank, name, and contact number]. 2. In addition to mailing, all application materials must be scanned into a single PDF file and emailed to the School of Nursing at ponyyen@kmu.edu.tw. ² Email subject: [Name - Application for the School of Nursing (Medical-Surgical Nursing with expertise in Traditional Chinese Medicine Nursing), rank]. 3. Within five days after the submission deadline, the Human Resources Office will publish the list of tracking numbers for mailed applications on its website. ² Applicants are responsible for verifying whether their documents have been received by the Human Resources Office. ² If there are any discrepancies, please contact the office immediately at (07) 312-1101 ext. 2063 or 2104. |
Contact |
Miss Yen, School of Nursing, Kaohsiung Medical University TEL:+886-7-3121101 ext.2167 Email:ponyyen@kmu.edu.tw |
姓名 |
郵寄號碼 |
林O修 |
親送 |