





  1. 原自主投資分為保守型穩健型積極型,依選擇類型不同,有不同的組合基金,投資標的淨值變動的幅度漲跌風險不同,其中保守型適合追求穩定收益,較為保守的族群;穩健型適合追求中長期穩定收益且個性較為保守但仍具承受適度風險者;積極型適合追求高報酬及長期資本利得成長,風險屬性較穩健型為高者。
  2. 為其完善教職員退休規劃,儲金管理會於106年9月28日推出自主投資第四種投資組合-「人生週期基金」採乃採取隨年齡增加而逐漸降低投資風險的策略,係由現行保守型、穩健型及積極型之投資組合所架構而成,並根據教職員年齡自動調整配置比例,適合一般非專業投資者且沒有足夠時間或沒有興趣從事退休金準備投資人士。
  3. 如欲選擇人生週期基金或其他投資組合請填寫風險屬性評估暨投資選擇書,於106年12月31日前繳回人事室,由人事室收件寄回儲金管理會。
  4. 未填選定投資標的組合之教職員,依「學校法人及其所屬私立學校教職員退休撫卹離職資遣儲金自主投資實施辦法」第4條規定,將自動轉入保守型
  5. 如想有進一步了解,請參考私校教職員自主投資網站,或洽人事室福利考核組黃雅宜(2104、2201)。
  6. 自主投資相關資訊如下:


The Committee on Retirement Pension Administration for Private Schools will launch, starting September 28, 2017, a new option for investment portfolio called "Life-cycle Fund", in addition to the existing aggressive, stable and conservative portfolios, in view of enhancing private school faculty and staff's retirement protection. According to the Committee, up to 84% of private school faculty and staff chose to invest their pension in conservative portfolio, which is difficult to resist inflation risk over time, even with a local bank two-year fixed deposit guarantee income.

Life-cycle fund is defined by INVESTOPEDIA as: "A special category of balanced, or asset-allocation, mutual fund in which the proportional representation of an asset class in a fund's portfolio is automatically adjusted during the course of the fund's time horizon. The automatic portfolio adjustment run from a position of higher risk to one of lower risk as the investor ages and/or nears retirement."

If you wish to choose the life-cycle fund or other portfolio, please fill out the questionnaire for risk assessment and investment options (風險屬性評估暨投資選擇書), and have it sent to Personnel Office by December 31, 2017. Moreover, please be informed that from January 1, 2018 onwards, each pension account can only enjoy free service for portfolio adjustment twice a year; more than that a fixed amount of NT200 will be charged for each transaction. However, the new policy will not be applied to voluntary contribution pension accounts or pension accounts temporarily without intention for redemption.

Should you have further questions, please contact Chinatrust Commercial Bank (CTBC) customer service below.