
本校因應COVID-19農曆春節期間返鄉檢疫方案,若同仁(含研究助理、臨時工等)及/或同住家人,預計於農曆春節期間(110.12.14-111.02.14)『有』相關出入境活動及接觸史者 ,敬請各位教職員工及計畫人員於1101224(星期五)中午12時前據實填報『【農曆春節期間返鄉疫調】本人與同住者針對COVID-19-農曆春節期間返鄉檢疫方案調查』,並務必遵守相關防疫及健康管理規定,以共同維護校園安全。




In response to the quarantine rules for arrivals during the Lunar New Year Holiday announced by CECC, if you and/or your co-resident(s) are expected to have a record of exit and entry and history of contact, please complete the “Pre-survey for KMU faculty, staff, project personnel, and co-residents in response to CECC’s quarantine rules for Lunar New Year Holiday” online by noon Friday, December 24, 2021, and observe pertinent epidemic prevention and health management regulations to maintain campus safety together.

Each unit’s filing status will be reported to the next Severe Special Infectious Pneumonia Prevention Group Meeting.

It is the responsibility of all of us to protect the safety and health of our faculty, staff and students, so let's work together to fight the epidemic.


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