Extension of the First Application Deadline for the New Childcare Allowance Welfare Measure to Friday, January 31, 2025
- According to the university’s letter No. 1131104476 dated December 11, 2024, the original deadline for the first application for the childcare allowance was set for Friday, January 10, 2025.
- Considering the childcare allowance is a newly added welfare measure and the subsidy is retroactive from August 1, 2024, the application deadline has been extended.
- Eligible faculty and staff (those with children born on or after September 1, 2018) are requested to submit their applications within the extended deadline. The first payment, covering the retroactive subsidy, will be issued by the end of February 2025. Subsequent payments will be issued at the end of each month for the previous month's allowance until the month before the child turns six years old.
- The application steps and important notes are as follows:
(1) Log in to the university's Information Service System and select T.1.8.04 Childcare Allowance Application.
(2) Create a new form, fill in the application details, and save it.
(3) If the required documents section does not display eligibility after saving, please upload the necessary electronic attachments separately.
(4) After confirming the information is correct, submit the application to complete the process. - For any questions, please contact Ms. Chen from the Human Resources Office at extension 2066.
(一) 首次發放,請符合資格之教職員工於114年1月10日(星期五)前提出申請;發放方式為每月月底核發上月津貼,直至該名子女滿六歲前一個月止。
(二) 申請步驟與注意事項:
1. 登入校務資訊系統,點選T.1.8.04.育兒津貼申請。
2. 新增表單填寫申請資料後存檔。
3. 存檔後『需檢附證明文件欄位』如未顯示符合申請資格者,請另行上傳相關電子附
4. 確認資料無誤後送出申請單,即完成申請。
(一) 申請步驟:
1. 登入校務資訊系統,點選T.1.8.02福利金補助申請。
2. 新增表單點選『生產補助』,並依您生產胎次選擇申請項目。
3. 需先存檔後再上傳電子附件,最後送出申請表,即完成申請。
(二) 113年8月1日後已申請第2胎以上生產補助並經核准者,請另行提出補助申請,
(一) 申請程序:請依學校公告時間至校務資訊系統T.1.8.01子女教育補助申請提出
(二) 113年8月1日後有就讀幼幼班子女且未申請本學期子女教育補助者,可於下學期
Explanation on the First Application for the Newly Added "Pressure-Free Parenting" Welfare Measures at KMU
Dear faculty and staff,
KMU’s newly added "Pressure-Free Parenting" Welfare Measures, based on the school’s “Regulations on Faculty and Staff Welfare” announced in document No. 1131104452, dated December 2, 2024, have been retroactively effective since August 1, 2024. Please refer to the explanation below for the application processes.
1. Childcare Allowance:
(1) First-time Issuance: Eligible faculty and staff must submit their applications by Friday, January 10, 2025.
The allowance will be issued at the end of each month for the previous month and will continue until the
month prior to the child’s 6th birthday.
(2) Application Steps and Notes:
1. Log in to the School Information System and select T.1.8.04 Childcare Allowance Application.
2. Complete the required information in the new form and save it.
3. If the "Required Supporting Documents" field does not automatically display eligibility, upload
the relevant electronic documents manually.
4. After verifying the information, submit the application form to complete the process.
2. Childbirth Incentive:
(1) Application Steps:
1. Log in to the School Information System and select T.1.8.02 Welfare Subsidy Application.
2. Create a new form, select Childbirth Subsidy, and choose the corresponding item based on
the child’s birth order.
3. Save the form first, then upload the required electronic documents, and finally, submit the
application form to complete the process.
(2) Additional Application for Higher-order Birth Incentive:
Faculty and staff who have applied for and received approval for subsidies for second or higher-order
births after August 1, 2024, will have to submit a separate application for pertinent childbirth incentive.
Choose the applicable subsidy category: 2C Childbirth Incentive of NT$1,000 (for the second child) or
2D Childbirth Incentive of NT$2,000 (for the third or subsequent child).
3. Preschool Child Education Subsidy:
(1) Application Process: Submit your application through the T.1.8.01 Child Education Subsidy
Applicationof the School Information System during the time announced by the school.
(2) For those with children attending preschool classes after August 1, 2024, who have not applied
for the child education subsidy for this semester, applications can be submitted during the next
semester's application period. Please retain copies of tuition and fee payment receipts and proofs
of payment for this semester.
4. Eligibility for the Above Subsidies:
The eligible recipients for these subsidies are specified in Article 6, Paragraph 1, Items 2 to 4 of the school’s
Regulations on Faculty and Staff Welfare. However, new hires who have not yet passed their probation are
not eligible. Approved subsidies will be retroactively granted from August 1, 2024.